A driver should always feel confident about the drive. This confidence is boosted if the driver knows that the engine is completely up to the mark. The instrument panel of a car usually comprises various small light signals. Imagine a situation where you are all set to run a marathon. You feel confident about it but suddenly feel a considerable amount of pain in your legs. Your preparations will feel inefficient and you might feel a degradation in your confidence about the marathon. This feeling is similar to what a driver feels if he/she observes the check engine light flashing on the instrument panel.
A check engine light is a warning signal that flashes whenever there is a malfunction diagnosed by the computerized maintenance system of your car. A flashing check engine light is a signal that your engine needs professional help. If you experience a situation where you see the check engine light flashing then stops, there can be various reasons behind this. Therefore, this warning must not be ignored.
Table of Contents
What Does A Flashing Check Engine Light Indicate?
A warning signal is something that flashes in case of a malfunction. A driver cannot judge the intensity of the malfunction just by looking at the flashing light. Henceforth, a flashing check engine light might indicate a basic fault but it can also mean a much more complex malfunction.
Basic Problems
A check engine light can flash for very basic reasons like faulty wires or damaged spark plugs. A small flashing interval means that the problem is basic in nature and is not dangerous for your vehicle.
1. Damaged Spark Plugs
Spark plugs function to deliver current to the combustion chamber of the car. A faulty spark plug hampers the flow of current in your car’s engine. Therefore, the check engine light flashes, indicating that there is a requirement for repair in the spark plugs of your car.
2. Faulty Gas Cap
A gas cap is a basic component of your car. Its conventional function is to prevent any dust or debris to enter the gas chamber of the combustion cylinder. A faulty gas cap might promote a leak of gas. This leak of gas signals the computer system of the car. Therefore, the check engine light flashes to indicate this basic fault in your car.
3. Faulty Wiring
Sometimes, there might be a damaged wire in your engine. Damaged or loose wiring leads to fluctuations in the connection. These fluctuations are considered a malfunction and you can observe the check engine flashing a few times.
Complex Problems
A flashing check engine light can indicate a dangerous problem like engine misfire or damaged ignition coils. Therefore, if you experience a situation where you see the check engine light flashing, professional guidance is advised.
1. Engine Misfire
Combustion of fuel and air is the process that provides ignition to power your vehicle. If there is a fault in this combustion process, It causes engine misfire. This malfunction can be a result of an inappropriate ratio of air and fuel utilized for the combustion process. A misfire is something that can degrade the overall performance of your car. Any malfunction involving combustion is a dangerous situation for your vehicle. If you observe the check engine light flashing constantly, It might be a case of an engine misfire.
2. Damaged Ignition Coil
An ignition coil channels the battery’s voltage to produce a spark that initiates ignition in your engine. A damaged ignition coil leads to an inefficient energy conversion process. The computer system of your car identifies this malfunction. It runs an algorithm that initiates check engine light flashing then stops.
What To Do If You See The Check Engine Light Flashing Then Stops?
There are various reasons behind a flashing check engine light and they can be fixed with professional help. Usually, a repair in your engine will stop the warning signal. An engine misfire is the most common reason behind the warning signal. Getting your engine checked is the first thing to do in such a situation.
1. Replacing Spark Plugs
Replacing the spark plugs will improve the current flow into the engine and the overall functionality of your engine is improved. Therefore, a new set of spark plugs is a potential solution if your check engine light is flashing constantly.
2. Replacing The Ignition Coil
A damaged ignition coil is a common reason for engine misfire. A constantly flashing check engine light indicates a situation of an engine misfire. Replacing the ignition coil brings back efficiency to the process of converting electric energy into thermal energy(heat). Furthermore, a new ignition coil makes your vehicle even more fuel-efficient. Fixing an engine misfire will stop the warning signal of checking your engine and the safety standards of your driving experience are upgraded.
3. Replacing Fuel Injectors
Fuel injectors monitor the amount of fuel entering the combustion cylinders. They also prevent any dust or debris to enter the combustion cylinder. A miscalculated amount of fuel encourages an engine misfire. New fuel injectors help you get rid of the engine misfires and the constantly flashing check engine light.
4. Fixing A Loose Gas Cap
Sometimes, the diagnosed problem can be very basic in nature and a simple solution can help you get rid of the flashing light. Fixing a loose gas cap is the first thing to do if you see the warning light flashing. Furthermore, it calculates the appropriate amount of air that should enter the combustion cylinder. A taut gas cap will help you get rid of the constantly flashing check engine light.
A warning signal might make you panic. The best thing to do in such a situation is to stop your car and contact a mechanic as soon as possible. If the instrument panel shows the check engine light flashing then stops, It is not a good scenario but it is certainly not the worst. The fact that the flashing light stops after a few time tells that the situation is not that dangerous. A warning signal shouldn’t be ignored but panicking in such situations is not advised.
If an engine misfire is diagnosed, Getting the required part replaced is the best thing to do. This will increase the overall performance of your car’s engine and your driving experience feels upgraded.
Stay safe and keep driving
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