Why Does My Car Hesitates To Start?

Have you ever been excited about an event that is most likely to happen? Imagine yourself in a situation where you are all set for an event. All the preparations are completed and checked. You really believe that everything is perfect. What if an obstacle comes your way. You are left with stress and discomfort, moments before the actual event. A driver experiences a similar feeling when the car hesitates to start. Starting your car is the first step towards a comfortable drive hence, the start should be clean and smooth.

A car that hesitates to start constantly bothers the driver. No matter how good the drive is, a rough start is a bad impression. A faulty start hampers the complete driving experience as the people in the car can’t forget about it. The driver builds up a feeling of concern about the problem with the start. Consequently, he/she cannot focus on the drive and feels stressed about it. There are various reasons behind a rough start.

Why Is My Car Hesitating When I Start It?

A Hesitating start makes you wonder about a faulty part in your car. The car acts cranky and sounds weird during a slow start. The driver can’t even figure out the number of tries required to get the car running. This situation is embarrassing and uncomfortable. There can be various reasons behind a cranky start.

1. Bad Or Discharged Battery

Just like any other battery, the car battery functions on lead. A reaction between lead and sulphuric acid generates the electric current that powers your vehicle. Batteries are complex and they come in various specifications. A car battery can discharge due to many reasons. A discharged battery cannot generate the required amount of current and the car hesitates to start. Batteries can also degrade with time. The lesser level of the current generation is a common reason behind a cranky start. Additionally, the reaction inside the battery is affected by external forces like temperature. A battery running in cold weather is more prone to a rough start.

2. Faulty Wiring

The starter of your car functions with the help of two wires. The first one is a large wire that connects the starter to the battery of your car and the second one is relatively small. The small wire signals the starter to engage when the key is rotated or the start button is pressed. Both of these wires are of ultimate significance for the starter of your car. Therefore, a fault in any one of these leads to an improper starter mechanism. The starter might not be able to engage the battery if the long wire is damaged and the car hesitates to start.

3. Damaged Starter

The starter of your car gets its power from the battery. As we know, the starter functions with the help of wires. These wires are of no use if the starter is the one with a fault. The starter gear signal the starter motor by generating the required amount of current and consequently, your car starts. A damaged starter is unable to process this initial stage. The battery generates the current but the starter can’t amplify it. Therefore, your car hesitates to start.

4. Faulty Alternator

The alternator is responsible to generate voltage to charge the car’s battery. Furthermore, the alternator is the building block of the charging system of your car. A bad charging system indicates that the battery isn’t getting charged due to a lack of voltage. The battery is responsible to provide power to many parts of your vehicle. This calls for a regular charging process for the battery. In case of a faulty alternator, the car hesitates to start due to low voltage.

What To Do If My Car Hesitates To Start?

There is a list of repairs that you can try to fix a slow start. Usually, a rough start is evident when the car acts cranky. The driver finds himself in a dilemma about starting his own vehicle. To avoid further damage, it is advised that a slow and cranky start should be fixed under professional help.

1. Replacing The Alternator

Replacing the alternator for your car ensures that the voltage generated by the charging mechanism is enough to charge the battery. A fully functional alternator generates around 14 volts. Charged battery functions to provide power to the starter and your car starts smoothly. The process of replacement is easy. A faulty alternator must be changed on priority because it might degrade the performance of your battery.

2. Recharging Or Replacing The Battery

A discharged battery is like a heavy box of lead. Once the problem with a battery is diagnosed, the next step is to recharge or replace it. Batteries with a considerable amount of damage should be replaced. Recharging such batteries might give some results but they will not last long. A faulty battery is a common reason behind a cranky start.

3. Checking The Wiring

Sometimes, the problem with the start might not be as complex as it seems. WIres carry current from the battery to the starter system of your car. This flow of current is hampered by faulty wires. Checking for a fault in the wires and replacing them with new ones is a possible solution to this issue. A new wiring mechanism not only increases the efficiency of the car battery but also ensures a smooth start for your car.

4. Repairing The Starter

The starter is a vital element in deciding the way in which a car starts. A faulty starter cannot receive the current flowing from the battery and the starting process of your car is cranky. Starters usually degrade in functionality with time and replacing them is a potential solution to this problem.


The first impression is the last impression. A car that starts in a rough manner puts out a really bad first impression. The starting stage of your drive defines the whole experience of it. A proper smooth start resembles a new beginning which is welcomed by everyone in the car. Additionally, a silent start gives a sense of comfort and safety. A car, hesitating to start must be checked for battery and starter damage. The problem might grow big in the future. Getting it checked before the battery completely dies, is advised.

Stay safe and keep driving

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